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Impact of Obamacare on Visitor Insurance and Student Insurance

medicine The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or Obamacare as it is referred to informally, was introduced in March 2010. Considering the rising costs in the healthcare sector in the US, the law was created with the aim to make affordable healthcare accessible to everybody.

Obamacare allows senior citizens to purchase brand-name drugs at discounted prices. It also allows people to purchase health cover for pre-existing conditions. Children get access to free screenings for obesity and vision-related problems, and adults can be a part of their parents’ insurance plan for up to 26 years of age.
One can enjoy free preventive services under the Act. These services include cancer and HIV screenings, vaccine shots, FDA-approved birth control measures, contraceptive counseling, and more. The PPACA guidelines require everybody to be offered the same coverage irrespective of their gender, age or medical history.

Read on to know how Obamacare will affect you if you plan to visit the United States on a vacation or as a student.

People on Short Visits to the US

If you hold a Green Card, you will be treated as a citizen of the United States. As legal residents and citizens are required to purchase minimum health cover, Green Card holders are not exempt from this rule.

While purchasing health cover is mandatory as per the PPACA guidelines, there are some exceptions to it. US citizens who stay abroad and plan to fly into the country for a short vacation are exempt from the PPACA coverage if:
  • They have been living in another country for a whole tax year without interruption
  • They have been living in another country for 330 days out of 365/ 366 days in a year
  • The citizen’s tax home or main residence is in another country
If the above doesn’t apply to you, you can benefit from PPACA coverage. This is much more beneficial than other visitor medical insurance policies you may be offered by private insurance providers.

If you are not a US citizen and intend to visit the country for a short period, you cannot apply for the same insurance cover as a US citizen. Individuals visiting the US under a J category visa - trainees or visiting lecturers, for example -- can avail subsidized PPACA coverage. After a prolonged stay of two years, such individuals can avail all the benefits of the PPACA coverage.

Whether you are a US citizen or a citizen of another country, just because you cannot apply for PPACA coverage doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t purchase insurance at all.

Don’t rely on your standard medical insurance to offer you coverage while you are abroad. A visitor medical insurance will benefit you in more ways than one when you travel to the US. A great insurance policy will provide cover for cancelled tours or flights, lost baggage, medication, hospital fees, emergency evacuation costs, and much more. This means that while you’re in the US, all you need to do is focus on your work or enjoy the many beautiful sights this country has to offer.


US Flag and statue of liberty Those visiting the US for studies are not considered American citizens. As such, they cannot apply for health insurance as per the PPACA guidelines. International students holding J, F, M and Q visas may get to avail benefits of the Affordable Care Act on a subsidized basis.

Once a student completes five years of stay in the US, he can become eligible to purchase health insurance according to the PPACA rules. If he doesn’t want to do so, he will have to prove he has strong connections to his country of origin.

It is advisable for students to get student medical insurance from a private insurance provider. College life is often hectic. One has to focus on their studies as well as adapt to a new culture. The climate too may not agree with everybody travelling to the US.

All these factors can cause stress or make one ill. Prices for routine check-ups, detailed tests, and medication are high. A travel medical insurance plan can cover all these expenses, putting the minds of the students (and their families) at ease.

Apart from the benefits of travel insurance mentioned above, students can also look for insurance policies that cover accidents related to adventure or extreme sports. This will allow them to have their share of fun when they are not studying!

Don’t forget to clarify your doubts regarding your policy coverage with your insurance provider before you attempt anything dangerous though. You don’t want to get into trouble only to find out that the resultant expenses won’t be covered by the insurer because of a small clause that you overlooked.


With the US government taking over healthcare in the form of the PPACA, private insurance companies are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain their market share and provide the best insurance deals at competitive prices.

One needs to spend a considerable amount of time in looking for the best-suited insurance policy. Though this may seem tedious, once you find the right plan you can relax knowing that you have all the possible and unexpected expenses covered and will be provided with the best care if you happen to fall ill or if anything goes wrong. Due to the stakes involved, it will be unwise to buy an insurance policy on the spur of the moment. Compare policies with respect to the coverage offered, the premium you need to pay, and the duration of coverage, to name a few criteria. Also make sure you read the fine print in detail before signing on the dotted line.
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