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Global Insurance

(Long term medical insurance while living outside your home country - overseas businessmen, expats, missionaries …)

There are very comprehensive health insurance packages for persons that reside outside their home countries. These policies offer major medical coverage wherever in the world you may travel. You sign up for a year at a time and can pay monthly, semi-annually or annually. You are guaranteed year to year renewal and can get coverage for pre-existing conditions. These plans are excellent options for international business persons and their families, expatriates, and people interested in retiring abroad.

If you require long-term medical coverage outside your home country, this type of insurance may be for you! The difference between these policies and those for visitor’s are several. The global or international insurance policies are for long-term coverage (at least 6 months to one year or more). The best coverage comes in the second year of the policy when wellness visits and waiting periods are over, so coverage for longer than a year is best. These policies, unlike visitor policies, are NOT guaranteed which means the applications require disclosure of a person’s medical history and the insurance company may reject an application. This means the application process may take a little longer. However, the rewards can be great since these are major medical plans which are guaranteed for several years and/or up to a certain age, providing continuous and complete medical coverage wherever you may travel!
  • Persons traveling primarily outside their home country, especially if they are US citizens or desire coverage in the US.
  • Persons should be healthy (pre-existing conditions MAY exclude a person from coverage).
  • People who live aboard boats or ships can get special coverage with some plans designed specifically for them.
  • Persons who work and travel as missionaries also have some special policies available to them.

Major Plans

Global Medical Gold

  • Lifetime maximum limit of $5 million
  • Deductible per period of coverage ranges from $250 to $10,000
  • Covers pre-existing conditions up to a lifetime maximum of $50,000 after a waiting period of 24 months
  • Optional coverage for maternity

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Reside Worldwide

  • Maximum of $500,000 for coverage in US & Canada and $5 million for coverage outside US & Canada
  • Deductible per injury or sickness ranges from $70 to $1,000
  • Covers pre-existing conditions after a period of 2 years
  • Includes coverage for maternity new born baby

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Global Medical Platinum

  • Lifetime maximum limit of $8 million
  • Deductible per period of coverage ranges from $100 to $10,000
  • Covers pre-existing conditions as any other illness after a waiting period of 24 months
  • Maternity covered as any other illness in the second year of the policy

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Global Citizen

  • Unlimited lifetime maximum and annual maximum
  • Deductible per person per year ranges from $0 to $25,000
  • Covers pre-existing conditions after 180 days of waiting period
  • Can be renewed up to the age of 84 years.

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