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Picking the Right 'Visitors Insurance' for Parents Visiting the US - 5 Great Tips

flag1 Are your parents coming to the US to visit you anytime soon? You certainly must be overjoyed if they are! You must have sent them a list of items that you want them to bring for you. On your part, you must have already made a dozen plans of where you will be taking them to enjoy the sights, soak up the sun, and lots more.

In your happiness, don’t forget to buy the right visitor medical insurance for them. Though you may not have purchased visitor medical insurance for yourself when you first travelled to America, it is advisable to do so for your parents.

Buying visitor medical insurance need not be looked at warily. Sure, nobody wants to even think of something bad happening to their parents. People purchase insurance only to make sure that if something does go wrong, the insurance provider will have the unexpected expenses covered.

Here are five tips to select the best visitor medical insurance for your parents before they embark on their journey to the States

#1 Don’t Rush

Many people often rush into buying insurance from the first insurance provider they come across. Others buy insurance at the last minute, just moments before their flight’s scheduled departure. Take your time to make a decision. You will only have to face disappointment in times of need if you buy visitor medical insurance for your parents without thinking. You need to make their stay as comfortable as possible and be at ease yourself. You can’t keep worrying about expenses instead of enjoying with them to the hilt.

#2 Define Your Needs

Are you looking for an insurance plan for a single parent or both? Buying insurance for more than one person is easier on the pocket. Also consider the duration of your parents’ stay in the US. This will help you determine the time period of the insurance policy. Some policies may provide coverage for up to a year.
You will also need to consider if your parents will be staying in just one place or if they will tour the States. If the latter holds true, you will have to make sure that the policy you choose for them has a good coverage network of hospitals or medical facilities.

#3 Understand the Policy

mount rushmore The main terms you need to understand with regards to a visitor medical insurance policy are maximum and deductible. Maximum is the maximum amount the insurance company will pay per insured person. This amount may be paid per period of the policy or per sickness. You can choose to opt for per injury or sickness if you know your parents require more medical attention. If they don’t, you can opt otherwise.

The deductible is the amount that needs to be paid by the insured to the doctor or the medical facility first. After this amount is paid out, the insurance company can pay for the other charges. The deductible amount can be selected by you. For lesser amounts you will pay higher premiums and vice versa.

#4 Compare Policies

Now that you understand how visitor medical insurance policies are drafted, you can compare the key points of different policies to find the best one for your parents. Remember that you will have to disclose to the insurance company if your parents have any pre-existing illnesses. Depending on their state of health, you will find relevant policies available. You will also be able to choose how much coverage you want. Ask your parents to undergo a medical check-up and then decide the coverage based on their reports. If they don’t need a cover for diabetes or heart problems, there is no point in purchasing a policy that offers coverage for the same.

You can purchase a visitor medical insurance policy that offers cover for extreme sports such as hiking, rafting or bungee jumping. Some policies may offer cover for such activities but may have clauses too. For example, a policy that covers injuries or accidents while hiking may be applicable only up to a certain altitude.
Of course, your parents need to be fit and adventurous before they attempt anything dangerous. Visitor insurance policies also cover for cancelled flights or tours, medical or other emergency evacuation costs, lost or misplaced baggage and much more.

#5 Don’t Delay

Once you zero in on the right visitor medical insurance policy, don’t put off purchasing it. Chances are the offer may not be available for a long time. So the moment you find a policy that satisfies all your requirements along with being budget-friendly, purchase it!


While you may think that you will be able to care for your parents as best as possible, you should not take any chances. One has to be prepared well in advance for accidents or illnesses as they come unannounced. Be sure to clarify all your doubts with the insurance provider. It will also help to know if the visitor medical insurance policy can be renewed as and when needed. This will allow your parents to prolong their stay in the US if they need to without having to worry about other matters. Taking the necessary steps to ensure that you have the best visitor insurance policy will give you peace of mind.
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