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5 Tips to Help Get Your Hands on the Best Visitor Medical Insurance Coverage

adventure Imagine going on a much-awaited holiday and falling sick on reaching your destination, or losing your expensive camera because of momentary carelessness. Not quite what you had in mind, right?

You should enjoy your American holiday to the fullest and come back energized with great memories, instead of returning sad over unexpected developments and the resultant expenses.

Fortunately, a number of insurance plans can protect you against such eventualities. Visitor medical insurance is one such type, which takes care of your needs when you are visiting the US. Whether you are here for a holiday or to pursue further studies, you will feel safe and secure knowing that any accidents or illnesses will be covered by your insurance provider.

Most people shy away from thinking about obtaining insurance for their travel, and if you normally remain in the pink of health, visitor medical insurance may be the last thing on your mind. However, this coverage will not only take care of your health-related expenses that may crop up unexpectedly but also cover you for cancelled or missed flights, theft, lost baggage, emergency evacuation costs, terrorism-related expenses and much more.

That sounds good, doesn’t it? Here are five tips that will help you choose the best visitor medical insurance policy before you leave for the US.

1. Plan in Advance

You must have put in days, if not weeks, in planning your trip to America. Of course, one never knows when one might fall sick but you probably know if you are going to be exposing yourself to hazards or dangers on your vacation. For example, you may be planning to go bungee jumping or sky diving during your vacation. If so, it’s highly advisable for you to buy visitor medical insurance since participating in adventure sports or activities can be dangerous.

2. Analyze Your Needs

Are you planning to travel alone or with your family? If there is a pregnant woman along with you, you should definitely buy visitor medical insurance for her as you never know how much money you may have to shell out in case of an emergency. Do consult the doctor first and ask if travelling by air during pregnancy is okay.

Elderly folks will have their own needs. Some insurance companies may provide coverage for medication and even the loss of medicines. So if you have a relative that always misplaces his/ her medicines, no need to get angry at them and spoil the mood! People with diabetes or heart problems can benefit greatly through visitor medical insurance coverage. You can get one for the entire family too.

3. Compare Policies

Don’t rush to buy insurance from the first insurance provider you come across. Look for as many insurers as you can and compare all the available policies as per your criteria. This will help you find the best coverage for yourself.

You will need to compare the policies keeping in mind the extent of protection the insurers offer for various situations and diseases. Consider the prices offered for a full family cover. Don’t forget to check the list of hospitals that are enrolled with the insurance provider that you choose. You should also be able to pick a hospital and doctor of your choice. Whether you stay at a hotel or at a relative’s place in the US, make sure that at least one of the enrolled hospitals is nearby so you don’t have to travel long distances in case of emergencies or for treatment.

4. Read the Fine Print

Reading the fine print People often put off buying insurance as they are skeptical about the insurance providers. This, however, is not smart thinking; instead look at all the clauses of insurance policies carefully so that you pick the best policy for yourself.

Some insurance providers may not cover existing health issues and you may have to shell out extra money to have them covered. Others may require you to wait for a specific period of time before you can avail the benefits of your insurance policy. Clarify any doubts with your insurance agent so that there are no nasty surprises later on.

5. Consider the Insurance Amount

Don’t go overboard in choosing insurance. You don’t want to spend on something you don’t need. If you know you are not going to go river rafting, there’s no point in purchasing insurance coverage for adventure activities. Also consider the monthly premium that you will have to pay. You don’t want to spend the rest of your days worrying over finances.

Choosing the wrong insurance plan or choosing one without adequate planning will not only affect your finances but may also prevent you from getting timely medical attention. It’s worth investing some time in comparing insurance policies online, or asking friends and colleagues for opinions.


Medical costs have been increasing over the years and as they continue to do so, visitor medical insurance is also seeing a rise in demand. If you are still unsure, just stick to a plan that covers one or two aspects. Try buying insurance that covers only the cancellation of the tour or the tickets. If you are going to be carrying expensive equipment such as a professional camera or a musical instrument, you can buy insurance just for them. With so many insurance plans available, you will certainly be able to find one that is perfect for your requirements. If not, your friends or family in America too can purchase visitor medical insurance for you ahead of your visit.
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