US Customer Support

Liaison Majestic Insurance

(Covers travelers outside their home country up to 3 years )

Seven corners
Liaison Majestic
  • Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s of London
  • A (excellent) by AM Best and A+ (strong) by Standard & Poor’s
  • Individuals and their families travelling outside home country
  • Seven Corners
Unique Features
  • Coverage is renewable up to 3 years
  • $50,000 coverage for political evacuation
  • Pre-existing conditions is covered up to chosen plan maximum for US citizens traveling outside US and Canada enrolled in Primary Health Plan
  • Covers Heart Attack/Stroke Inpatient hospitalization expenses for $200 per day up to $3,000 for Non US Citizens in USA
  • Emergency Dental coverage is offered only if the plan is bought for at least a month
  • Maximum of 3 plan life deductibles per family


  • No Coinsurance outside US
  • Available for US and Non US Citizens
  • Offers coverage for coma up to $50,000
  • Felonious assault benefit up to $10,000
  • Offers optional coverage for hazardous sports
  • Dependent child is covered at a cheaper rate if one of the parent is covered


  • $20,000 coverage for travelers aged 80+ years
  • For travelers aged 65+ years, plan is renewal up to 1 year only
Coverage Example:
Policy maximum of the plan: $125,000
Deductible: $500
Coverage region: USA, claims incurred in the network hospital
First visit to the doctor due to sudden dental pain and the expense incurred is $500
Second incident is a eye surgery for which the expense is $40,000
The following table shows the amount paid by the plan and the customer:
Expense Bill Amount Customer pays Plan Pays
First Visit to the Doctor due to Sudden Dental Pain $500 $500 (Since the deductible is $500) 0
Eye Surgery
Hospital Room and Board $20,000 $1000 $4,000 (coinsurance: 80% of first $5,000) + $15,000
Other expense $20,000 $0 $20,000
Total: $40,500 $1500 $39,000
The usage of deductible and coinsurance:
  • First time you visit the doctor with sudden dental pain the bill amounts to $500 for a filling
  • You will have to pay the full $500 as the chosen deductible is $500
  • A few months later, you have to undergo a eye surgery for $40,000
  • Now the plan will pay 80% of the first $5,000. ie. Company will pay $4,000 and you will pay $1000
  • The plan will then pay the remaining eligible expenses
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