US Customer Support


Covers travelers outside their home country for a period 364 days

Travel insurance services
  • Lloyd's of London
  • Travel Insurance Services

    • Applicants must be aged between 14 days and 69 years are eligible
    • US Residents travelling outside USA
    • Non US residents travelling internationally including USA
Unique Features
  • No PPO - traveler has an advantage of getting treated in any hospital or by any doctor
  • $1 million coverage
  • Coinsurance inside US: Plan pays 90% of the first $10,000 then 100%
  • Coinsurance outside US: Plans pays 100%
  • Optional coverage for Hazardous sports, Intercollegiate, Interscholastic, or Organized Amateur Sports at an additional price
  • $10,000 for acute onset of pre-existing conditions


  • Coinsurance is waived for visitors to US if treated in a PPO network


  • Not renewable
  • No coverage for pre-existing conditions
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